Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Simple Pleasures

Sometimes I wish I could be this girl again--unconcerned with what anyone else thought, overjoyed just to be able to kick her legs and make herself swing.

(Yeah, I think I was a pretty adorable child, too)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

You and I

Because without her there's no reason for my story,
and when I'm with her I can always act the same.

Daily Wisdom from Bailey

"....if all else fails say things like "brutha, Shawta, Sista, and G-dizzle". Forgive the last one, I just love my white gangster side.
And the fact that I took time to write "gangster" correctly proves that I am not Gangsta and am actually whiter than rice.
*the white kind*"
- Bailey
This chick.  I don't think there's anyone else who makes me laugh like she does.

Dear Coree,

Please just learn from your past mistakes, rather than reliving them.  
Accept that you are loved for the current version of you--not the piece of crap you were up until a few months ago.  Getting into trouble, though it may get you attention, will not give you better relationships.  Nobody wants to choose the distant, depressed kid over anyone else as a best friend.
 It's okay that there isn't anything obviously wrong in your life right now.  It's okay that you don't have any tragic stories for your friends.  Believe it or not, that's actually considered a good thing!

Quit making others worry.
Quit beating yourself up every little thing.
Quit ruining your relationships!

You don't always have to be the center of attention, you know.

Much frustration, Coree

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tumblr Wannabe

Yes, you heard correctly.  I wish this blog were a tumblr.  Unfortunately certain parental units feel that tumblrs aren't appropriate (aka spawn of Satan) and so I am left to create a blog in order to express myself--even if real blogs are for old people.  Either way, I hope you will enjoy my posts.  They will probably be short, possibly only including a picture, or maybe one quote from my day.  Who knows--maybe inspiration will strike and I'll be writing entire novels for posts about saddling giraffes and ending world hunger and all of those other important things in life.

Also, just because a picture or quote or whatever is on here does not mean that I have any rights to it.  Chances are pictures taken by the bestie will show up, or that I'll just post things that I find amusing on my frequent escapades through the harsh wilderness of StumbleUpon.