Friday, June 29, 2012

Cradled by Gravity

A goal of mine for the summer was to become more brave, and actually take part in all of the awesome stuff my friends do while I stand by watching.
Well, yesterday I jumped off of the Kinser docks.  That's right, a huge jump, into the water.  Funny how my top two greatest fears are 1. the ocean and 2. heights. 
Well, Coree is officially a beast.  The feeling of falling... being bound to absolutely nothing but gravity... it's something not even I, the woman of metaphors, can describe. 
So thank you, summer.  Thank you, Sarah.  Thank you, ocean.  Thank you, gravity.  Though getting out of the water was a completely different story, I was a champion at jumping off of a giant cliff of cement into that depth of blue. 
I can do more than I think.

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