-please be more attractive than this schnozy dragon- |
I know you're out there somewhere, though you will never read this post on my highschool blog.
Still, I feel heavily inclined to write a small note to you. Just in case you're my most dedicated follower or something.
I just wanted to say that I really hope you're everything I imagine you to be in my head and better, though I'm sure you are. I bet you're really funny and like to tease people. Of course, when you meet me, you'll know just how to have fun without hurting me. We can pick on people together, if you want.
I wonder if you'll be childish like me, or really mature. I kind of hope childish so that we can have lots of fun together, even when we're old and sipping applesauce through a straw (even though I do that now.)
I wish you were here right now. I wish I knew who you were and who you are and who you and I would become together. It would make the whole worrying about finding a highschool boyfriend thing much easier... I'd have perspective!
But I'll know it's you. I can tell the moment I meet someone what they will mean to me.
Also, I'll know it's you because you'll propose to me with a ringpop. My real ring will be inside the candy ;) (Yeah, Sarah came up with the idea, but I'm not marrying her. I'm sure she sent the idea to you through a brainwave or something so that you can use it on me in the future.)
Please hold my hand a lot and let me lean my head on your shoulder. It will be reassuring to me that you actually love me. Please tell me I'm beautiful and small and cute... because I'll need it. I promise I'll tell you what a stud you are every day, and when it comes to manly things, you can always win. I'll make us dinner and such but I hope you know you're going to be helping me with that on occasion... just so that we can be one of those cute couples who cook together.
You can buy as fancy of a car as you want, just as long as you don't let her take my place.
I'll even watch football with you! (or baseball, if you're more into that)
Just so you know, we're going to coordinate our outfits sometimes. Not match.... matching is for squares. Just some nice color coordination.
Our kids are all taking breakdance lessons,
the oldest boy is going to be named Louis,
we're visiting Africa,
and we're going to have a dog.
Just never call me a name.
Never make me feel like dirt as so many men have done to me in the past.
never hit me,
help me with chores around the house if I'm too busy with our feisty children,
and hold the priesthood worthily.
Oh it would be nice if you could be black.
At least have swag.
Ours will be a beautiful friendship :}