"Things with this friend aren't going so hot. What's this?? Mom just yelled at me! I am a horrible child. So stupid and incapable. I think I'll curl up on the floor and pout rather than do something about my problems. SHOOT! I have a performance tonight that I'm totally not prepared for! Oh and even after that's over with I have to memorize lines for drama and then prepare for the 3 tests I have on Monday. Oh how horribly awfully stressful. Wasn't I supposed to buy a ton of cheese for the performance? How much? Dang it, I think they needed it a few hours ago. I am so getting yelled at by several people for this. I should do something that makes me happy. What is it I do again.... write? Dang it. I have a book I should be working on. Writing would make me more stressed.
WAIT A SECOND! I can go eat! That makes me happy! Okay so today isn't so horrible after all."
I find my logic greatly disturbing, to say the least.
Coree you are an amazing person no matter what.