Sunday, December 4, 2011

Snow White

I don't know if I particularly like this picture, just because the angle and tilt of my head is kind of awkward, but looking at it made me realize something...

I like my pale skin.

Or at least I do during the winter.  But this was huge for me, considering for years that has been one of the things I hated most about myself--one of the two things I thought about constantly, as if everyone was laughing at the mere sight of me because of it.  I could be in the middle of a really meaningful conversation, or even just pass by someone in the halls, and have them blurt out "You know, Coree, you're really pale!!" as if I didn't already know. 

Sometimes people get more persistent.  I'll say something quickly like "Yeah, I know" and try to get back to what we were talking about; and it's not uncommon for them to completely ignore my attempts to stay focused with "No, like, seriously, you're super white.  You should go out in the sun more."

But I digress.

Now, I think it's rather elegant looking.  If my hair were just a bit darker and my freckles perhaps a bit more defined it would be perfect.  In the olden days fair skin was considered the more beautiful of the spectrum, right?  I'm aware that's outdated--but at least I'm not the only one.

Hopefully my future black husband likes my fair skin, too.

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