If you're reading this, then just remember...
Perhaps you're flooded in a mound of homework so tall that you can't even see the top. Perhaps you're having doubts about a relationship. Perhaps your friends aren't doing exactly what you want them to. Perhaps your grades are poop. Perhaps you've recently done something very embarrassing. Perhaps you didn't get that job you wanted. Maybe you got dumped. Maybe somebody you love died. The thing that always makes it at least a little better for me is to remember
No matter what obstacle you're going through right now, keep a little bit of perspective.
Maybe it won't matter in a few minutes. Maybe hours. Maybe the next day. Maybe the next week. Maybe the next month. Maybe for years.
But eventually some other opportunity or situation will come along, and your priorities and goals and such will change countless times as you continue to grow and progress.
So look at that mound of homework and laugh (still work on it, but don't stress.) Fix things with your friend... or don't, if they're not worth it. Write somebody a love note. Go out on an adventure... just enjoy things.
Part of life going on is it running out eventually
so don't use it up stressing about every little bump in the road.
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