Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dear "The Bad Nights,"

I don't think I could even put into words how you have twisted and contorted my life over the past couple of years.  You are the one thing in this life of mine which is anything but fantastic.  Somehow, you manage to suck the joy out of everything else and become the center of attention, your unfair cruelty just too much to look over for a dramatic child such as I.

This has been going on for a long time and I imagine it will continue for at least a few more years.  I'm pretty sure that I am going to continue to struggle with you.  But there must be some good coming from you.  I believe God has a plan, and so this must have some benefit... if not to me, perhaps to someone else?

Perhaps because we were forced into so many meetings, I will be able to handle criticism better in the future?
Maybe I will be extremely considerate and patient with those little souls I am going to be entrusted with one day?

Well, one big point of this big "plan" previously mentioned is that we don't know it or understand it.  But I know everything has a reason.... everything. 

I'm going to get through this.  

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