Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Want You to Want Me

I used to LOVE it when you'd come to church and speed-talk through your whole date the night previous, thrilled that I could understand everything you were saying and nobody else was in on our little game.  Just the fact that you were talking to me set my soul alight....

now that boy makes me cringe, hearing you talk of him all the time.  I never want to go anywhere with you because I know chances are he will end up coming along.  I make snide comments... I'm bitter.

I was trying so hard to figure out when the change happened and why.  I knew the emotions behind everything, I just couldn't figure out the root.

Well now I know.

In the past there was a very clear distinction.  He was the boyfriend, and I was the bestfriend.
I was cool with that.

But now it seems he's taken over both roles, and I'm just kind of mingling here with you, like a joke gone too far--it was awesome at first, but now we're just hanging on because we don't want it to end, even if most joy's been sucked out of it.

Well, it's great that you're happy and all... really, I love you too much not to want at least that for you.  And you've said you're tired of pretending to make everyone else happy.

I don't want you to pretend for me...
I want you to actually want me.
I need you to need me.

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